PhD Theses
Live Biofeedback in Electronic Markets. PhD dissertation
Lux, E.
2017. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000072015
Journal Articles
Auction fever: The unrecognized effects of incidental arousal
Adam, M. T. P.; Ku, G.; Lux, E.
2019. Journal of experimental social psychology, 80, 52–58. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2018.07.009 -
Remote heart rate measurement using low-cost RGB face video: a technical literature review
Rouast, P. V.; Adam, M. T. P.; Chiong, R.; Cornforth, D.; Lux, E.
2018. Frontiers of computer science, 12 (5), 858–872. doi:10.1007/s11704-016-6243-6 -
Live biofeedback as a user interface design element: A review of the literature
Lux, E.; Dorner, V.; Knierim, M. T.; Adam, M. T. P.; Helming, S.; Weinhardt, C.
2018. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 43 (1), 257–296. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.04318 -
Bidding Behavior in Dutch Auctions: Insights from a Structured Literature Review
Adam, M. T. P.; Eidels, A.; Lux, E.; Teubner, T.
2017. International journal of electronic commerce, 21 (3), 363–397. doi:10.1080/10864415.2016.1319222 -
Brownie: A Platform for Conducting NeuroIS Experiments
Hariharan, A.; Adam, M. T. P.; Dorner, V.; Lux, E.; Mueller, M. B.; Pfeiffer, J.; Weinhardt, C.
2017. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 18 (4), 264–296 -
A randomized tabu search-based approach for perfect stranger matching in economic experiments
Both, F.; Adamb, M. T. P.; Hariharan, A.; Dorner, V.; Lux, E.; Weinhardt, C.
2016. Economics letters, 145, 235–238. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2016.06.028
Conference Papers
Using Contactless Heart Rate Measurements for Real-Time Assessment of Affective States
Rouast, P. V.; Adam, M. T. P.; Cornforth, D. J.; Lux, E.; Weinhardt, C.
2017. Information Systems and Neuroscience : Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2016. Ed.: F. D. Davis, 157–163, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41402-7_20 -
Colors and trust: The influence of user interface design on trust and reciprocity
Hawlitschek, F.; Jansen, L.-E.; Lux, E.; Teubner, T.; Weinhardt, C.
2016. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-49), Kauai, Hawaii, January 5-8, 2016. Ed.: T.X. Bui, 590–599, IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2016.80 -
Happy Birthday! Emotions and Cues to Trust on Consumer‑to‑consumer Market Platforms
Lux, E.; Hawlitschek, F.; Hariharan, A.; Adam, M. T. P.
2015. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Group Decision & Negotiation (GDN), Warsaw, Poland, June 22-26. Ed.: B. Kamiński, 369–373, Warsaw School of Economics Press -
Using Live Biofeedback for Decision Support: Investigating Influences of Emotion Regulation in Financial Decision Making
Lux, E.; Adam, M. T. P.; Hawlitschek, F.; Pfeiffer, J.
2015. 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Münster, Germany, 26-29.05.2015, 1–12, AIS eLibrary (AISeL) -
A Hot Topic. Group Affect Live Biofeedback for Participation Platforms
Lux, E.; Hawlitschek, F.; Teubner, T.; Niemeyer, C.; Adam, M. T. P.
2015. Information Systems and Neuroscience. Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS, 01.-03.06.2015, Gmunden, Austria. Ed.: F. Davis, 35–42, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18702-0_5 -
Foreign Live Biofeedback: Using others neurophysiological data
Hawlitschek, F.; Teubner, T.; Lux, E.; Adam, M. T. P.
2015. Information Systems and Neuroscience. Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS, 01.-03.06.2015, Gmunden, Austria. Ed.: F. Davis, 59–64, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18702-0_8
Live Biofeedback for Digital Collaboration
Knierim, M. T.; Hariharan, A.; Lux, E.; Dorner, V.; Weinhardt, C.
2016. 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Workshop on the Digitization of the Individual (DOTI), Dublin, Ireland, December 11, 2016