Engaging case studies at the Business Data & Strategy lecture! |
13.02.2025 |
Wagenknecht vs Weidel – What are their voters like? |
04.02.2025 |
What matters to voters? Dr. Jonas Fegert for the Süddeutsche Zeitung |
04.02.2025 |
What matters to voters? Dr. Jonas Fegert for the Süddeutsche Zeitung |
04.02.2025 |
Call for Papers on Semantic Generative Agents on the Web |
29.01.2025 |
Chair attendance at the 58th HICSS in Hawaii |
22.01.2025 |
Upcoming Panel Discussion on the influence of AI on Democracy in Germany and USA |
22.01.2025 |
Rainer Hoffmann Recognized for Excellence in AI Leadership |
10.01.2025 |
Dr Jonas Fegert on the role of social media at the European Practitioners Network Against Antisemitism meeting |
06.12.2024 |
Tenure-Track-Professorship (W1) “Information Systems II - Digital Platforms & Services” |
27.11.2024 |
IISM & KD2School at the Night of Biosignals |
22.11.2024 |
Open-to-the-Public Event on December 2: KD2School Adaptive Systems Talks |
20.11.2024 |
Spotting and sorting Fake News: Can DeFaktS make it happen? |
20.11.2024 |
Ai tackling desinformation – a lecture by Dr. Weinhardt |
20.11.2024 |
Call for Papers on intersection of Social Media and Society |
20.11.2024 |
Business Data and Strategy masters lecture |
11.11.2024 |
New Team Member: Ina Ni |
06.11.2024 |
New Team Member: Lukas Schick |
31.10.2024 |
IISM-IM at the Semester retreat in Balderschwang |
31.10.2024 |
TWON Consortium Meeting in Dubrovnik |
30.10.2024 |
Suport Science and Earn Money Playing |
29.10.2024 |
Chair attendance at WI2024 in Würzburg |
14.10.2024 |
IISM-IM @ Modern Finance Conference 2024 |
14.10.2024 |
Article in Tagesspiegel: State elections in the East - Conspiracy myths among the electorate |
13.09.2024 |
State Minister for Science Petra Olschowsky Visits the FZI |
05.09.2024 |
IISM-IM @ MuC 2024 |
04.09.2024 |
Article in Tagesspiegel on Party Preferences in Germany |
29.08.2024 |
Start of our collaboration on Digital Democracy with the Brazilian Fundação Getulio |
20.06.2024 |
New Team Member: Laura Selgrad |
12.08.2024 |
ABBA Summer School Seminar on Biosignal-Adaptive GenAI Systems: 23.09.2024 – 25.09.2024 |
26.07.2024 |
SEED 2024: Exploring Public Sentiments and Innovative Tools for Energy Education |
03.07.2024 |
New Team Member: Philipp Fritz |
22.07.2024 |
Dr. Jonas Fegert at Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s “Forum on the Transformation of Society” in Bellevue Palace |
10.07.2024 |
ASSUME at EEM24 in Istanbul |
03.07.2024 |
Guest commentary in Tagesspiegel |
02.07.2024 |
First two rounds, and trips, done of our International Seminar with Politecnico of Milano |
25.06.2024 |
IISM-IM @ ECIS 2024 |
25.06.2024 |
IISM-IM @ NeuroIS 2024 |
25.06.2024 |
SOSEC at re:publica 2024: Measuring social division - and finding the causes |
20.06.2024 |
Visit from Prof. Louisa Kulke @ Decision & Decision Speaker Series Discovering how attention develops in social interactions |
14.06.2024 |
TWON Consortium Meeting with EU in Brussels |
14.06.2024 |
New Tagesspiegel Article on SOSEC data |
14.06.2024 |
FZI Spring Festival: Super election year 2024 – Will social polarization trends decide the future of our democracy? |
14.06.2024 |
12 PhD Positions at KD2School available. |
11.06.2024 |
Public Participation in Sustainable Transitions: Oliver Resch at Summer School in Groningen |
11.06.2024 |
NFDI4Energy Workshop: Exploring Policy and Society Engagement in Open Research |
14.05.2024 |
New Team Member: Benjamin Gaube |
09.05.2024 |
Exciting Business Data Strategy Case Study Presentations |
26.01.2024 |
Kai Zenner Sheds Light on EU AI Legislation at KIT |
23.01.2024 |
IISM-IM @ HICSS 2024 |
17.01.2024 |
INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR: Bio-signals in Information Systems and Marketing |
22.12.2023 |
Participation in ICIS 2023, Hyderabad |
21.12.2023 |
KD2School Adaptive Systems Talks & Speaker Series Decision and Design: "Brainwaves, Robots & Emotions" |
18.11.2023 |
New Team Member: Fabio Stano |
03.11.2023 |
Best Poster and Best Paper Award at DACH+ Energy Informatics Conference in Vienna |
20.10.2023 |
Unsere neuen Azubis |
18.09.2023 |
House of Participation Conference |
14.09.2023 |
Bridging Expertise: Joint Workshop of ASSUME & REMARK Enhancing Electricity Market Modelling |
08.08.2023 |
Kim K. Miskiw erhielt den "Best Poster Award" |
20.07.2023 |
VIRTUS zu Gast beim Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr |
20.07.2023 |
Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt zum Vorstandsmitglied der Schroff Stiftung gewählt |
19.07.2023 |
Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt erneut Mitglied des externen Forschungsbeirats der RPTU |
03.07.2023 |
Full Professor (W3) in Information Systems |
New Job Opportunity in cooperation with Commerz Business Consulting |
02.03.2023 |
Interview with Christof Weinhardt For Science Nature - Strategy Reports |
14.02.2023 |
nfdi4Energy Projekt |
24.01.02023 |
New International Practical Seminar & Thesis Project: Biosignals in Information Systems and Marketing |
21.12.2022 |
Sarah Henni awarded the "GEE Prize of the Berlin Energy Forum" in 2022 |
12.12.2022 |
Podcast zu Demokratie und Partizipation im digitalen Zeitalter |
15.11.2022 |
Participate and win at wir-forschen.digital |
01.06.2022 |
Participation at NeuroIS Retreat 2022 |
01.06.2022 |
Participatory Campaign: "Home office? Challenge accepted!" |
11.04.2022 |
IISM successful at WI 2022 |
03.03.2022 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
22.12.2021 |
New Project to Strengthen AI Competencies of Students: ABBA |
01.12.2021 |
The KD²Lab on TV |
08.11.2021 |
Apply for Master Lecture |
15.09.2021 |
Digital Citizen Science – Well-being@Home: Cooperation between City of Karlsruhe, KTG Karlsruhe Tourism GmbH, and KIT |
09.09.2021 |
MyResearchChallenge digital |
05.08.2021 |
The eighth "Usability in Germany (UIG)" conference will take place on September 23, 2021 in a digital format. The conference´s theme is: "How to practice UX in medium-sized businesses sector!" |
02.08.2021 |
Digital Citizen Participation in Research Projects Engineering of digital participation modules for KIT research projects |
02.08.2021 |
New Teamproject in the Wintersemester about Dashboards and last Mile Delivery Systems |
23.07.2021 |
Energy Transition Project |
23.07.2021 |
Best Demo Paper Award at CAISE 2021 |
07.07.2021 |
Research Project in Cooperation with BASF SE |
07.07.2021 |
Experimental research in cutting-edge lab environments @ KD2School Apply now for the new PhD program at KIT and the Universities of Bremen and Giessen |
01.07.2021 |
Workshop Wellbeing at Home |
19.05.2021 |
Research Alliance ForDigital successfully completed |
25.03.2021 |
Open Position: Digital Citizen Science |
10.03.2021 |
New Topic “Information Systems and Digital Ecosystems“ at KIT-Center KCIST |
26.02.2021 |
IISM publication at the ACM Conference for Computer-supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2020) |
22.01.2021 |
Presence at Wirtschaftsinformatik Conference WI-2021 |
11.01.2021 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
16.12.2020 |
Mit Gemeinwohl zur Bioökonomie |
16.12.2020 |
New Project “Digital Citizen Science @ KD²Ex: Experimental Research for Wellbeing, Work, and Education at Home“ supported by KIT Excellence University funding |
16.11.2020 |
Participation at HICSS 2021 |
11.11.2020 |
Speaker Series Digital Citizen Science “Exploring innovative approaches to data quality in online citizen science“ |
21.10.2020 |
Participation at ICIS 2020 |
14.10.2020 |
Distinguished Paper Award on 28th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference |
16.09.2020 |
New Seminar in WS2020/2021 for Digital Citizen Science |
15.09.2020 |
Smart Microgrids as a Service – Ein Serviceprodukt für lokale Energiemärkte |
04.09.2020 |
Verena Dorner appointed as Professor of “Digital Ecosystems” at Vienna University of Economics and Business |
24.08.2020 |
Research project KUBUN wins award IDEENSTARK 2020 |
24.08.2020 |
KIT Future Fields funding for KD²Ex – Karlsruhe Decision and Design Experimentation Ecosystem |
14.08.2020 |
“Paper of the Year” – Award 2019 |
27.05.2020 |
Two open PhD Scholarship positions in the “Karlsruhe Citizen Experimentation“ initiative |
27.05.2020 |
Participation at ECIS 2020 |
14.05.2020 |
4th ForDigital Blockchain Workshop on 02.03.2019 and 03.03.2019 |
28.02.2020 |
Presentations and KD2Lab Visit @ Nacht der Wissenschaft |
15.01.2020 |
Ausgezeichnete Lehre |
07.01.2020 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
18.12.2019 |
Presence at Wirtschaftsinformatik Conference WI-2020 |
10.12.2019 |
Studentische Hilfskraft |
28.10.2019 |
New online course DORIS available |
28.10.2019 |
Participation at ICIS 2019 |
10.10.2019 |
Student Assistant Public Relations “Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik“ |
02.10.2019 |
Collaboration with Politecnico di Milano – looking for thesis candidates! |
26.09.2019 |
Move to “Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz“ (Geb. 05.20) |
22.08.2019 |
Participation at ECIS 2019 |
07.06.2019 |
Research Talk Series on Digitalization |
24.05.2019 |
Studying B.Sc./M.Sc. Information Systems at KIT |
15.04.2019 |
Studentische Hilfskraft |
02.04.2019 |
Research Group at 14th International Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-2019) |
19.02.2019 |
Open Postdoc Position: "Financial Market Innovation“ in cooperation with Boerse Stuttgart |
07.02.2019 |
LAMP is gaining more participants! |
29.01.2019 |
KPMG Ideation Challenge 2019 –“Artificial Intelligence“ |
17.01.2019 |
IISM Publikation ausgezeichnet als Top 50 Influential Papers on Blockchain of 2018 |
12.01.2019 |
LAMP ist nominiert für den NEO2018-Preis |
11.12.2018 |
Christof Weinhardt bei den Science Notes “Blockchain” in Heidelberg |
11.12.2018 |
Regionalkonferenz Energie und Umwelt 2018 |
03.12.2018 |
Auszeichnung für Masterarbeit zu Verteilungseffekten von Stromtarifen |
30.11.2018 |
Wirtschaftsinformatik @ KIT: Presentation at the KIT “University for Beginners“ Day |
21.11.2018 |
Nacht der Wissenschaft im KD2Lab |
20.11.2018 |
Interview on Deutschlandfunk by Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt on the subject of Sharewashing |
14.11.2018 |
Interview on SWR2 by Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt about Artificial Intelligence |
14.11.2018 |
Auszeichnung für Forschungstransfer mit Nudges |
09.11.2018 |
DX Award Ceremony @ World Usability Day Karlsruhe |
09.11.2018 |
Participation at ICIS 2018 |
16.10.2018 |
Betriebsausflug 2018: Tour de Vogel |
20.09.2018 |
Fertigstellung Debattenband "Big Data, Smart Data, next?" |
25.09.2018 |
Call for Papers: 5th European Retail Investment Conference (ERIC) und Doctoral Consortium |
10.09.2018 |
Gamification auf der Kinderuni |
24.08.2018 |
Place 3 for IISM Team at Human Football Tournament |
30.07.2018 |
DX Network is organizing the first UX-JamCamp |
21.06.2018 |
Participation at ACM eEnergy 2018 |
18.05.2018 |
Hiwi gesucht: Implementation blockchain-basierter Energiemärkte - Projektunterstützung im Landau Microgrid Projekt |
17.05.2018 |
Partizipation auf Plattformen gestalten |
14.05.2018 |
Participation at ECIS 2018 |
07.05.2018 |
Participation at DESRIST 2018 |
25.04.2018 |
Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt is elected as Chairman of DIID’s Scientific Advisory Board |
24.04.2018 |
Open Position: Full Professor Consumer & User Behavior (W3) |
19.04.2018 |
Appointment as professor |
05.04.2018 |
Industriepreis 2018 – LAMP ist ausgezeichnet |
23.03.2018 |
New Publication |
23.03.2018 |
Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt elected as new Editor-in-Chief for BISE |
12.03.2018 |
2. ForDigital Blockchain Workshop |
02.03.2018 |
Symposium: Partizipation auf digitalen Plattformen gestalten |
28.02.2018 |
Excellent Bachelor Thesis |
27.02.2018 |
Prof. Weinhardt explains „Blockchain in die Energy Context“ at the Smart Grids Talks |
21.02.2018 |
Austausch über das LAMP Projekt |
21.02.2018 |
Paper at ACM CHI 2018 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems accepted |
20.02.2018 |
IISM has a visit from Pretoria |
12.02.2018 |
Neue Publikation |
05.02.2018 |
Neue Publikation |
05.02.2018 |
SMU Global Summer Programme (GSP) 2018 |
29.01.2018 |
KPMG Ideation Challenge “Augmented Reality“ |
29.01.2018 |
Techtag: 2018 IT Trends UX Design and Blockchain |
22.01.2018 |
Award for excellent teaching |
18.12.2017 |
Der Presserummel um LAMP steigt an |
29.11.2017 |
Guest at IISM |
13.11.2017 |
DX Network Member Event on Nov 2nd 2017 |
08.11.2017 |
New publication on the forecasting efficiency of man-machine forecasts presented |
08.11.2017 |
Mittelstand 4.0: Spotlight on a Micro-Project of the IISM |
03.11.2017 |
IISM’s prediction market in the KIT-Dialog magazine |
26.10.2017 |
Prof. Weinhardt holds keynote on "Artificial Intelligence" in the Minister President's Economic Advisory Board |
24.10.2017 |
New research assistant in the group Smart Grids & Energy Markets |
23.10.2017 |
Prof. Weinhardt explains the use of blockchains in local energy markets |
23.10.2017 |
IISM's prediction market among the most accurate during the Germany Federal Elections 2017 |
23.10.2017 |
Implementing Local Energy Markets: Landau Microgrid Project (LAMP) starts in October 2017 |
23.10.2017 |
Best Paper Award at the 6th D-A-CH+ Conference on Energy Informatics |
23.10.2017 |
PHD Course: Eye tracking in Desktop, Natural and Virtual Environments (13 – 15 February 2018 | Monash University, Melbourne, Australia) |
Spin IT Off – Event for Doctoral Students in IT |
17.10.2017 |
WIRED features new IISM research project |
10.10.2017 |
Wer gewinnt die Bundestagswahl 2017? |
20.09.2017 |
Trainees' Day at KIT |
08.09.2017 |
Neue Publikation |
05.09.2017 |
3, 2, 1, meins: Kaufentscheidungen im Labor erforscht |
05.09.2017 |
Research Group at GDN |
23.08.2017 |
Final Presentation "Practical Seminar in Digital Experience" |
15.08.2017 |
14.08.2017 |
New colleague |
08.08.2017 |
Project Kick-off Meeting in Landau |
25.07.2017 |
Conference on Platforms – Business Models and Contracts |
24.07.2017 |
12. Wirtschaftspolitischer Dialog: Schöne neue Stromwelt: Erfordert die Digitalisierung eine neue Regulierung? |
24.07.2017 |
Final presentation Internet Business Models & Online Marketing |
21.07.2017 |
Prof. Weinhardt hielt Keynote auf der BIS2017 |
10.07.2017 |
1. Platz für Dominik Jung (IISM) beim Duell der klugen Köpfe! |
03.07.2017 |
Designing blockchain-based microgrid energy markets |
28.06.2017 |
IISM beim 9. Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS |
23.06.2017 |
Guest Lecture by Prof. Harmen Oppewal about eye tracking |
21.06.2017 |
Guest Lecture by Prof. Harmen Oppewal about eye tracking |
21.06.2017 |
IISM bei der Collective Intelligence 2017 |
21.06.2017 |
IISM auf dem International Workshop on the Sharing Economy |
21.06.2017 |
IISM auf dem International Workshop on the Sharing Economy |
21.06.2017 |
IISM at the 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market |
07.06.2017 |
Best Prototype Award |
02.06.2017 |
Experte des Monats: Smart Data |
26.05.2017 |
Digitale Märkte: Vertrauen ist Geld wert |
24.05.2017 |
Research Group at ECIS 2017 |
23.05.2017 |
1st KIT-ZEW Workshop „Blockchain in the Energy Context“ |
23.05.2017 |
Deutsche Bank becomes member of Digital Experience Network |
05.05.2017 |
Keynote von Prof. Weinhardt beim Blockchain Summit des Management Circle |
04.05.2017 |
Digital Experience Network launched |
15.03.2017 |
New seminar: “The Economics of Blockchain in Finance and Energy” |
06.03.2017 |
Cooperation agreement with Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) signed |
21.02.2017 |
Best Student Paper Award |
17.02.2017 |
PhD course: Eye tracking in Desktop, Natural and Virtual Environments (26 – 30 June 2017 | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) |
15.12.2016 |
Verleihung der Lohrmann Medaille |
14.12.2016 |
Lohrmann Medal Ceremony |
14.12.2016 |
Visitors from Santiago at the IISM |
25.11.2016 |
Herzratenmessung mittels Video |
27.10.2016 |
Call for Papers: 4th European Retail Investment Conference (ERIC) und Doctoral Consortium |
26.10.2016 |
Studentische Hilfskraft im Bereich Emotionserkennung gesucht |
24.10.2016 |
L03 Energy at IISM |
21.10.2016 |
Studentische Hilfskraft gesucht |
14.10.2016 |
Data Science@IISM |
14.10.2016 |
Neuer Mitarbeiter |
14.10.2016 |
Hiwis gesucht |
10.10.2016 |
Prof. Weinhardt talks about finnovation and blockchain in New York |
30.09.2016 |
Nordic Blockchain Summit |
30.09.2016 |
TEDx Talk von Prof. Dr. Weinhardt und Ass.-Prof. Dr. Hall |
22.07.2016 |
Umstellung von ORSEE auf hroot |
16.05.2016 |
Prof. Dr. Weinhardt - Forschungsgipfel 2016 |
15.04.2016 |
Textbook Fundamentals of Service Systems |
03.02.2016 |
Abschlussarbeit "P2P-Online-Market Design" zu vergeben |
05.05.2015 |
Abschlussarbeit "Implications for product configurator design of experimental behavioural (economics) research" zu vergeben |
05.05.2015 |