- Date: 25.06.2024
Our IISM team members Carolin Stein and Fabio Stano had the honour of presenting their research in Cyprus. Carolin gave a talk on the topic "Bridging Realities: Exploring Enablement Factors for XR Participatory Urban Planning", while Fabio presented his work on "Towards EEG-Based Decision Support Systems: Externalizing Neural Information to Assist Economic Decisions“. Both PhD students received valuable feedback and enjoyed the fruitful discussions and exchange with other researchers in the field.
Have a look at the papers here:Stein, Carolin and Fegert, Jonas, "Bridging Realities: Exploring Enablement Factors for XR Participatory Urban Planning" (2024). ECIS 2024 Proceedings. 31.
https://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2024/track17_greenis/track17_greenis/31Stano, Fabio and Knierim, Michael Thomas, "Towards EEG-Based Decision Support Systems: Externalizing Neural Information to Assist Economic Decisions" (2024). ECIS 2024 Proceedings. 5.