From Users to Co-Creators: Methods for Co-Designing an AI-Driven Disinformation-Detection-Dashboard with Students |
Bachelor Thesis |
Open |
Carolin Stein |
Development and Analysis of a Real-Time EEG-Driven Music Synthesis System |
Bachelor/Master Thesis |
Open |
Fabio Stano |
Empowering Sustainable Heating: Designing Behavioural Interventions for Energy-Efficient Homes |
Bachelor/Master Thesis |
Open |
Laura Selgrad |
IT (Over-)use: Solving the Well-Being Puzzle |
Bachelor/Master Thesis |
Open |
Dr. Michael Knierim |
Advancing Open Source Sensing Headphones |
Bachelor/Master Thesis |
Open |
Dr. Michael Knierim |
Sustainable Finance: Who includes sustainability in their investment decisions? |
Bachelor/Master Thesis |
assigned |
Marvin Motz |
Policy Innovations for Energy Equity: A Structured Review of Strategies for Inclusive Transition Pathways |
Bachelor Thesis |
assigned |
Christina Speck |
Analyzing a survey on political and socially relevant topics |
Bachelor/Master Thesis |
assigned |
David Borukhson |
Towards a conflict resolution assistant in team meetings |
Bachelor/Master Thesis |
assigned |
Dr. Anuja Hariharan |
Immersive Systeme für Bürger*innenbeteiligung in der Stadt- und Bauplanung |
assigned |
Carolin Stein |
Improving Energy Literacy through Serious Game Design |
Bachelorarbeit |
assigned |
Leo Semmelmann, Christina Speck |
Opening the Black Box: How Explainable AI Enhances Trust in Disinformation Detection Systems |
Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit |
assigned |
Isabel Bezzaoui |
Bedingungen für die Verbreitung von Desinformation in sozialen Medien und politischen Beteiligungsplattformen |
Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit |
assigned |
Isabel Bezzaoui |
Sustainable Finance: A Literature Review |
Bachelorarbeit |
assigned |
Marvin Motz |
Can everyone be a data scientist? - Learning on Data Science Competition Platforms |
Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit |
assigned |
Carolin Stein |
Interdisciplinary thesis on Digital Citizen Science |
Bachelor- / Masterthesis |
Open |