Experimental research in cutting-edge lab environments @ KD2School Apply now for the new PhD program at KIT and the Universities of Bremen and Giessen
- Date: 01.07.2021
In October 2021, KIT introduces the KD2School – an interdisciplinary and structured PhD program – funded by DFG - that comprehensively fosters the training of aspiring young scholars in the research area “Designing Adaptive Systems for Economic Decision-Making”. This means that new positions for 12 PhD Students, 2 Post-Doctoral researchers and 12
Student Assistants are now available.
The main goal of the KD2School is to train the next generation of researchers to understand and design adaptive IT-based systems that can support individuals’, teams’, and groups’ decision processes in a situation- and context-sensitive manner.
The KD2School builds on the strengths of four laboratories: KD2Lab (KIT), CSLab (Bremen), fMRI Lab (Bremen) and DecIS Lab (Giessen). Within the program, these laboratories will be linked across the universities both technically and organizationally to enable excellent distributed, multi-sensor experimental research.
For these purposes 12 renowned professors from five disciplines (Information Systems, Computer Science, Psychology, Economics, and Management) have conceptualized an attractive research and training program.
Applications for PhD and Post-Doctoral positions in the first round are now possible until July 18th. Student Assistant positions are continuously offered.
Interested? Find additional information at: https://kd2school.info
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