What matters to voters? Dr. Jonas Fegert for the Süddeutsche Zeitung
- Date: 04.02.2025
Everyone knows that migration plays an important role in the upcoming election. What else do voters care about? Or what is even more important to them? In an article of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Dr. Jonas Fegert is consulted to answer those questions. His SOSEC-data reveals that generational justice, health and climate politics are prominent causes of worry amongst people. Even though they do not hold an important role in this electoral campaign.
Heavily discussed however, is the question of how to deal with strengthened right-wing parties. Young people worry about this especially often, women more often than men. This illustrates a general polarisation, which comes with plenty of worries. Fegert holds the decline of trust in politics and the government responsible for this.
Read the full article here: Umfrage: Migrationspolitik ist das drängendste Problem vor der Bundestagswahl - Politik - SZ.de