DX Network is organizing the first UX-JamCamp
- Date: 21.06.2018
The first UX-JamCamp ist being organized in the atrium of the University for Art and Design Karlsruhe. The event will take place on the last weekend of June (29.06 – 01.07.2018).
The User-Experience JamCamp is an ideation / prototyping-competition, that takes place once per year. Its goal is for the participants to develop functioning digital prototypes for crazy, out-of-the-box-ideas and creative solutions in a short and defined timeframe. The jam is focused on standards of inspiration, innovation und creative experimentation with digital technologies.
Up to 50 people are invited to participate in the jam. In the course of only 48 hours new and unique digital prototypes are developed to one or more given topics that are communicated at the beginning of the jam. The participation in the event is free, the event is open to all interested (students as well as professionals).
Please send your applications to greta.hoffmann@kit.edu (Deadline: 23.06.2018).
The results will be presented on location on sunday, 1st of July at 5 pm. The resulting prototypes can be refined for two more weeks and then handed in for the DX Award.
The UX-JamCamp is a cooperation of the University for Art and Design Karlsruhe and the group ISE (Information Systems & Engineering) at the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Feedback and questions will be answered by greta.hoffmann@kit.edu.