M.A. Pamela Pompas Oreiro
- Group: FZI
- Phone: +49 30 7017337 453
- PompasOreiro ∂does-not-exist.fzi de
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Außenstelle Berlin
Friedrichstr. 60 ,10117 Berlin
Research Interests
- Disinformation & Online Hate Speech
- Platform Governance
- Digital Democracy
FZI House of Participation
I am a member of the House of Participation (HoP), an FZI competence center
fostering digital participation and democracy. At HoP, we focus on creating impactful
digital interactions that enable all individuals to participate in decision-making
processes across various spheres including the workplace, social life, cultural sector
and political matters. If you are a student looking for an assistant position (Hiwi), a
seminar, bachelor or master thesis opportunity, we are always seeking passionate
and committed individuals to join our team and contribute to shaping digital
democracy. Start listening to HoPcast – our podcast on democracy and participation
in the digital age!
- Tech for Democracy
- HoP – House of Participation
07/2022-10/2023 | Projects & Partnerships Manager at Blavatnik ICRC - Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center (Tel Aviv University) |
03/2022-06/2022 | Research & Communications Intern at Blavatnik ICRC - Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center (Tel Aviv University) |
09/2021-10/2022 | MA Cyber Politics & Government (Tel Aviv University) |
03/2013-10/2016 | Psycholinguist Researcher at SECyT-UNC (Secretaria de Investigacion, Ciencia y Técnica; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) |
02/2008-10/2016 | Licentiate Degree in Modern Languages, Research Track in Linguistics (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina) |