M.Sc. M.A. David Borukhson
- Group: KIT
- Room: 4C-11
- Phone: +49 (721) 608-48344
- david borukhson ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Außenstelle Berlin
Friedrichstr. 60 ,10117 Berlin
Research Interest
I am interested in information technology that has a positive impact on societal values – such as democracy, knowledge accessibility, ethically informed decision making and sustainability. Specifically, the following areas:
- Digital Democracy
- Interpretable AI
- Algorithm ethics and fair AI
- Science communication
Within the IISM group, my research focuses on the projects SOSEC and TWON, where I investigate the relation of individual convictions, sentiments and behavior with social media and news events. Further, a focus lies in creating accessible evaluations for decision makers, press representatives as well as the general public that are both informative and easily understandable. We are always seeking passionate and committed individuals to join our team and contribute to shaping digital democracy. If you are a student looking for an assistant position (Hiwi), a seminar, bachelor or master thesis opportunity, we would love to have you on board.
2024 – present |
Research Associate at IISM, Research Group “Digital Democracy and Participation“ |
2023 |
MSc Computer Science, Thesis “Bio-plausible Reinforcement Learning with Graph Plasticity” at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Freiburg |
2023 |
MA Philosophy, Thesis “Agency and AI. Do Robots Act?” at chair for Contemporary Philosophy and Philosophy of Technology |
2021 - 2023 |
Master Studies Computer Science, Philosophy (University of Freiburg) |
2020 |
BSc Computer Science. Thesis “Cognitive Modeling of Misinformation Processing” at Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin |
2018 - 2020 |
Bachelor Studies Computer Science, Philosophy, Cognitive Science (University of Freiburg) |
2017-2018 |
Bachelor Studies Computer Science/Business Informatics (TU Clausthal) |
2016 - 2017 |
Gap year: Volunteering for international projects abroad |
Fellowships and Academic Stays Abroad
2020 - 2021 | Erasmus exchange year for Computer Science, Philosophy – KU Leuven (Belgium) |
2019, 2021 | Eucor-echange at KIT and University of Basel |
2017 - 2023 | Holder of a scholarship by the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Fund |
Professional Affiliations and Memberships
2023 - present | Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience |
Borukhson, D.; Glaum, L.; Weinhardt, C.; Fegert, J.
2025. Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2025, 1493–1502
Borukhson, D.; Lorenz-Spreen, P.; Ragni, M.
2021. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43 (43), 119–125
Speck, D.; Borukhson, D.; Mattmüller, R.; Nebel, B.
2021. Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. Ed.: S. Biundo, 358–366, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). doi:10.1609/icaps.v31i1.15981
Borukhson, D.; Lorenz-Spreen, P.; Ragni, M.
2022. Computational Brain & Behavior, 5 (2), 244–260. doi:10.1007/s42113-022-00136-3