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Engaging case studies at the Business Data & Strategy lecture!
Engaging case studies at the Business Data & Strategy lecture!


In the concluding case study presentation of the Business Data Strategy lecture on 07.02.2025, Master’s students from business & information systems showcased innovative case study projects on Gen AI-based products, including online retail recommenders, AI-empowered learning platforms, smart systems for reducing household waste, intelligent logistics, and streaming experiences.

Wagenknecht vs Weidel – What are their voters like?
Wagenknecht vs Weidel – What are their voters like?

The RBB produced a video article on the differences and similarities of AfD and BSW – Dr. Jonas Fegert was part of it. Sharing results from the ongoing SOSEC project, he analyses their voter’s opinions.

What matters to voters? Dr. Jonas Fegert for the Süddeutsche Zeitung
What matters to voters? Dr. Jonas Fegert for the Süddeutsche Zeitung

Everyone knows that migration plays an important role in the upcoming election. What else do voters care about? Or what is even more important to them? In an article of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Dr. Jonas Fegert is consulted to answer those questions. His SOSEC-data reveals that generational justice, health and climate politics are prominent causes of worry amongst people.

Call for Papers on Semantic Generative Agents on the Web

The first Workshop on Semantic Generative Agents on the Web will be part of the ESWC Conference in Portoroz, Slovenia. In this context they call for papers. The submission of a paper requires the conference-attendance of at least one author.


Chair attendance at the 58th HICSS in Hawaii
Chair attendance at the 58th HICSS in Hawaii

The Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2025 conference took place this year from the 7th -10th January, on the Big Island of Hawaii. The chair of Information & Market Engineering of Prof. Dr. Weinhardt participated at the conference with three colleagues: Carolin Stein, Marvin Motz and Dr. Jonas Fegert who presented five different articles that have been published in the HICSS proceedings

Upcoming Panel Discussion on the influence of AI on Democracy in Germany and USA
Upcoming Panel Discussion on the influence of AI on Democracy in Germany and USA

How does AI influence Democracy in Germany and the US? What does information integrity have to do with it? Those questions will be discussed in a panel featuring representatives from the U.S. Department of State, the German Bundestag, FZI and CORRECTIV. This Friday, starting at 6pm. Registration still open.

Rainer Hoffmann Recognized for Excellence in AI Leadership

Rainer Hoffmann, Chief Data Officer at EnBW and guest lecturer at the Institute of Information Systems (WIN) at KIT, has been recognized for his outstanding contributions to the field of artificial intelligence. In Capital magazine's Best of AI initiative, Hoffmann achieved 4th place in the category of AI leadership.

The recognition highlights Hoffmann’s innovative project at EnBW, where he is, inter alia, developing a "virtual corporate memory" using AI to preserve the expertise of retiring employees. This forward-thinking approach exemplifies the responsible and strategic application of AI in the corporate world.


Call for Papers on intersection of Social Media and Society
Dr Jonas Fegert on the role of social media at the European Practitioners Network Against Antisemitism meeting

How does antisemitism appear on social media? What is the role of platform operators when it comes to the moderation of hateful content? And how to counter antisemitism online?

These were only some of the questions discussed during DialoguePerspective's European Practitioners Network Against Antisemitism meeting in Belgrade this November. In a number of input sessions and workshops participants exchanged the challenges and developed possible solutions, with a focus on intersectionality and younger generations.

Tenure-Track-Professorship (W1) “Information Systems II - Digital Platforms & Services”

We are looking for an internationally recognized personality in an early phase of their academic career with potential for outstanding research work in the field of information systems. The Tenure-Track-Professorship focuses on the socio-technical understanding and design of sustainable digital platforms and services. A strong emphasis on (Gen)AI methods and technology research is desired. The Tenure-Track-Professorship applies empirical and design-oriented research methods and promotes social acceptance. 


Further information is available here:  https://www.pse.kit.edu/english/karriere/joboffer.php?id=164610  

IISM & KD2School at the Night of Biosignals
IISM & KD2School at the Night of Biosignals

At the 1st Night of Biosignals on Friday November 15th, organized by the Fachausschuss Biosignale of the VDE and IBT at KIT (Axel Loewe, Silvia Becker, & Co. – https://nacht-der-biosignale.de/), we had a fantastic time showing how we use biosignals in our research. The “we” in this case were members from our institute and research training group KD2School.

Open-to-the-Public Event on December 2: KD2School Adaptive Systems Talks

The KD2School Adaptive Systems Talks are an open-to-the-public Christmas event hosted by the KD2School. This year’s topic is:

Biosignals to Bytes – Human Cognition Meets AI Evolution

Featuring talks from Prof. Kopp (University of Bielefeld), Prof. Wilson (University of Nottingham), and Dr. Debus (KIT), a panel discussion, poster slam, and interactive demonstrations.

We’d like to invite researchers, students, and everyone else who is interested to an engaging and thought-provoking evening in the cozy atmosphere of TRIANGEL Open Space (Kaiserstr. 93, Karlsruhe) on December 2, 2024, from 17:00 to 22:00.

Fake-news identifizieren und klassifizieren: Macht’s DeFaktS möglich?
Spotting and sorting Fake News: Can DeFaktS make it happen?

Isabel Bezzaoui gave a talk on the recognition of disinformation at the event “AI and democracy: between doom and the expectation of salvation” organized by the Saxony State Institute for Political Education.

In the context of DeFaktS, the question arises as to how disinformation can be classified as such in the first place and what role AI plays in this process.
